Monday, August 25, 2008

another thought

so today i was thinking about H.G. Wells' "the time machine" and in it the scientist that invents the time machine outlines that (this is from memory and i read it some time ago so forgive me if i'm incorrect)time is a dimension much like the three dimensions that make up space (length, width, depth) and just as we create things that move us through those three above mentioned planes or dimensions (i.e. cars, planes, elevators) he figured we could make a machine that could take us back and forth through the 4th dimension, time. and thats exactly what the protagonist of the book does. but (hang with me, i know you're probably skipping all this) he creates a machine that goes through ONLY the fourth dimension, which would never work because such a machine would stay stagnant in space and since we are always moving through space (earth rotates on axis, earth orbits sun, sun orbits in outer spiral arm of galaxy, galaxy orbits around super dense black hole, black whole orbits around kolob . . .kidding!) then the machine would be left behind as the earth and everything around it orbited in its celestial rounds. . . so ya i was just thinking about that today.

take that science fiction!

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