Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i can kill you with my brain

so i woke up not being able to go back to sleep so i thought id give you all something to do today, . . . somehow obtain the series FIREFLY and then watch it. i promise you it will be the best space opera/western you will ever watch. Joss Whedon (the creator) pitched it as "nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things".

and for your enjoyment here is a clip :)


Careena Daly said...

I LOVE firefly :) glad you introduced me to it!

Raine said...

K Tyler, I have no idea what the heck that clip was. haha ButI have been checking your blog, getting all informed about what was going on with all the prop 8 stuff. I don't have TV. Maybe that is why I missed all that was going on. Thanks for the info.