Sunday, November 9, 2008

tolerant and open-mided opinions shared at the LA temple

just a few clips from a protest that happened a few days ago at the L.A. temple, if you'd like to see more, youtube is full of it.

If several hundred members of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints marched up to a meeting place for homosexual people and began shouting "shame on you" and flipping the bird (which is the least offensive thing ive seen, seriously look it up) i guarantee it would be labeled as a hate crime, or at least we'd be labeled as a hateful organization. So why is it okay that these people do this? why is tolerance one sided? i for one am tired of defending my stance on moral issues only to be looked at as some backwards redneck closed-minded bigot. this is not a civil rights issue, it is a moral issue.

Let me explain

Massachusetts a state famous for its 2003 decision to issue and allow same-sex marriage via the state's supreme court, would like you to believe that they do not discriminate against people of a different sexual orientation. this however is false. under Massachusetts state law a person engaging in "sexual activities" with relatives closer than first cousins can spend up to 20 years in jail, thats just sexual activities, they are not even trying to get married. can you imagine if we put people in jail just for engaging is homosexual activities? the country would be in an uproar screaming "equality" and "civil rights".

Civil Rights : Civil and political rights are a class of rights ensuring things such as the protection of peoples' physical integrity; procedural fairness in law; protection from discrimination based on gender, religion, race, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, etc; individual freedom of belief, speech, association, and the press; and political participation.
(got this from wikipedia)

So did you notice that fun little part that read "protection from discrimination based on . . .sexual orientation". We'll if you believe that then you must also believe that ANY OTHER sexual orientation including a incestuous relationship should be under the protection of the above mentioned civil rights. but its not, otherwise there could not be a law against it. so why does the state of massachusetts have a law in their (oh so open minded) state that sends people with a different sexual orientation other than the "norm" to jail? because the people of that state deem that sexual act MORALLY wrong. The only reason same-sex relationships and marriages are claiming civil rights is because enough people in their respective states and in this country have deemed homosexuality (at the least) morally okay, or (at the most) morally correct.

homosexuality (from practice to marriage) is a moral issue. not one dealing with civil rights.

Please please please do not misunderstand me, i do not intend to imply that homosexuals should be sent to prison, nor that they should be looked down upon with disdain or malice. They are literally our family, our brothers and sisters, those we as members of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints have promised to love and comfort. We are all equally important to our father in heaven regardless of our flaws (which we all have). i honestly do not view myself as any better than one person or another. We should all strive to be as the savior, teaching with love and kindness, and most importantly being examples of the meaning of the gospel and its plan, happiness (and hating or belittling others does not bring happiness)

My only intent is to express my distaste for those who would yell and rage at me because i, as a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, have taken away their "civil rights". i do not believe that this is the case, and although you have the right to your opinion, you do not have the right to scream hurtful and terrible accusations at a place of worship. you do not have the right to deface that same place of worship (some protesters wrote things like "mormon pigs" on the walls they were lined up against). and you most certainly do not have the right to claim that you are the only tolerant and open minded people in this country, that all other opinions other than your own are stupid and uneducated.

i honestly hope i have not offended anyone with this little rant, its just something that has been weighing on me for a little while and i figured getting it off my chest and writing it down might help clear my thoughts and maybe crystallize them a bit

holy crap its five in the morning :(

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