Tuesday, November 11, 2008

thought for the day

its easy to see that ive been a little frustrated and a little obsessed with this whole "its the mormon's fault" thing surrounding the backlash of prop 8/102/whatever. well I've also been listening/reading/watching some talks from the most recent conference, (im specifically talking about Henry B's here )and ive come to the conclusion that i need to have a better attitude, instead of finding the negative and the things that drive us apart, i should be searching for the things we have in commmon. that does not mean i am for banning prop 8, it just means i understand where they are coming from. i'm sure it was a huge blow to the gay community and i can see why they are so upset. the hand of fellowship could do so much more in this time of moral crisis than the hand of "you are wrong and this is why". i guess i just need to figure out exactly how to extend that hand

anyway here's a inappropriate video cuz im getting too serious :)

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